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  • SAST vs. DAST: 5 Key Differences and Why to Use Them Together

SAST vs. DAST: 5 Key Differences and Why to Use Them Together

July 4, 2024
5 Min
Automation Testing Services

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    Table of Contents
    1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
    2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
    3. Key Differences Between SAST and DAST
    4. Why Use SAST and DAST Together?
    5. Strengthening Your Software Security
    6. FAQs

    Why Your Startup Needs to Take Software Security Seriously (and How to Do It)

    Imagine this: you've built an amazing new app, but a hacker finds a hole in your code and steals user data. Disastrous, right? That's why security testing is crucial. It's like a shield for your app, protecting your users' information and your business from cyberattacks.

    This post is your guide to understanding two key security testing methods: SAST and DAST. No need to be a tech whiz to understand these - we'll break it down simply.

    Who benefits from this post?

    • Startup founders and CTOs: Learn how to build secure apps from the ground up and avoid costly data breaches.
    • Project managers: See how to integrate security testing into your development process for a smoother launch.

    Why is security testing important?

    • Hackers are out there: Just like bank robbers target vaults, hackers target weaknesses in software.
    • Data breaches are expensive: A single breach can cost millions, lost customers, and damage your reputation.
    • Users trust you with their data: People expect their information to be safe when they use your app. Security testing builds trust.

    Now, let's take a plunge in the world of SAST and DAST!

    We'll explain what each method does and how they work together to create a fortress around your app. Stay tuned!

    Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

    Let’s dive into the world of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and explore its significance in securing software applications.

    What is SAST?

    Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a proactive security testing technique that analyzes source code, bytecode, or binaries without executing the application. Here’s how it works:

    1. Source Code Analysis:
      • SAST examines the actual codebase, including comments, variables, and logic.
      • It identifies potential security vulnerabilities by analyzing patterns, data flows, and control flows within the code.

            2. Early Detection:

    • SAST operates during the development phase, catching issues before the application is deployed.
    • By identifying vulnerabilities early, it helps prevent security flaws from reaching production.

    How SAST Works

    1. Simulating Attacks:
      • DAST simulates real-world attacks against a running application.
      •  It sends various requests (HTTP, HTTPS, etc.) to the application, probing for vulnerabilities.
      •  Think of it as an ethical hacker trying to exploit weaknesses.
    2. Strengths:
      • Realistic Testing:
        • DAST offers a practical assessment by simulating interactions with the application, mimicking user or attacker behavior.
        •  It considers factors like authentication, session management, and input validation.
      • Identifying Runtime Vulnerabilities:
        • DAST uncovers vulnerabilities that only manifest during execution (e.g., configuration issues, insecure APIs).
        • It catches issues that SAST might miss due to its static nature.

             3. Limitations:

    • Limited Coverage:
      • DAST focuses on what’s exposed externally (web interfaces, APIs).
      • It may not assess internal components or business logic hidden behind authentication.
    • False Negatives:
      • Some vulnerabilities may remain undetected due to the dynamic nature of testing.

    Benefits of SAST

    • Early Vulnerability Detection:
      • Detecting security issues during development minimizes costs and effort required for subsequent fixes.
    • Integration into CI/CD Pipelines:
      • SAST becomes an integral part of the development workflow, ensuring continuous security checks.
    • Code Review Assistance:
      • Developers receive actionable insights, improving code quality and security.

    SAST plays a crucial role in securing software by identifying vulnerabilities early, integrating seamlessly into development processes, and assisting developers in writing secure code. 🛡️👩‍💻

    Also Read: Software Testing Services for Small Business: Complete Guide

    Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

    Let’s explore Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and understand how it complements SAST in securing software applications.

    What is DAST?

    DAST stands for Dynamic Application Security Testing. Unlike SAST, which analyzes the source code, DAST takes a black-box approach. Here’s what you need to know:

    • Black-Box Testing:
      • DAST treats the application as a “black box,” meaning it doesn’t require access to the source code.
      •  It focuses on the application’s runtime behavior, interactions, and external interfaces.

    How DAST Works

    1. Simulating Attacks:
      • DAST simulates real-world attacks against a running application.
      •  It sends various requests (HTTP, HTTPS, etc.) to the application, probing for vulnerabilities.
      •  Think of it as an ethical hacker trying to exploit weaknesses.
    2. Strengths:
      • Realistic Testing
        • DAST offers a practical assessment by simulating interactions with the application, mimicking user or attacker behavior.
        • It considers factors like authentication, session management, and input validation.
      • Identifying Runtime Vulnerabilities:
        • DAST uncovers vulnerabilities that only manifest during execution (e.g., configuration issues, insecure APIs).
        • It catches issues that SAST might miss due to its static nature.

               3. imitations:

    • Limited Coverage:
      • DAST focuses on what’s exposed externally (web interfaces, APIs).
      • It may not assess internal components or business logic hidden behind authentication.
    1. False Negatives:
      • Some vulnerabilities may remain undetected due to the dynamic nature of testing.

    Benefits of DAST

    • Realistic Testing:
      • DAST mimics real-world scenarios, considering user inputs, session states, and interactions.
      • It identifies vulnerabilities that occur during actual usage.
    • Identifying Runtime Vulnerabilities:
      • DAST catches runtime behavior issues like insecure configurations or unexpected interactions.
    • Integration with Automated Testing Tools:
      • DAST tools can be integrated into automated testing pipelines, enhancing overall security.

    While SAST focuses on code analysis, DAST complements it by assessing the application’s behavior during runtime. Together, they provide a comprehensive security strategy. 🛡️🏃‍♂️

    Also Read: Automated Test Solutions: The Future of Efficient and Scalable Testing

    Key Differences Between SAST and DAST

    Let’s delve into the key differences between Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). These two approaches play distinct roles in securing software applications, and when used together, they create a powerful defense against vulnerabilities.


    SAST (Static Analysis):

    • What It Analyzes:
      • SAST examines the source code, bytecode, or binaries.
      • It focuses on identifying vulnerabilities within the codebase itself.
    • When It’s Effective:
      • SAST shines during the development phase.
      • Use it early to catch issues before deployment.

    DAST (Dynamic Analysis):

    • What It Analyzes:
      • DAST interacts with an active application.
      • It assesses the application’s behavior, external interfaces, and runtime interactions.
    • When It’s Effective:
      • DAST is most effective in production or pre-production environments.
      • Use it to validate security in real-world scenarios.


    • SAST:
      • When to Use: During development.
      • Why: Early detection allows developers to fix vulnerabilities before deployment.
    • DAST:
      • When to Use: In production or pre-production.
      • Why: Validates security in the actual runtime environment.



    • Code-Centric:
      • Analyzes the codebase thoroughly.
      • May miss runtime-specific vulnerabilities or configuration issues.


    • Application-Centric:
      • Tests the entire application, including external interfaces.
      • May not assess internal components hidden behind authentication.

    False Positives and Negatives

    • Both techniques have limitations:
      • SAST:
        • False Positives: Some flagged issues may not be exploitable.
      • DAST:
        • Limited Coverage: May miss certain vulnerabilities.
        • False Negatives: Some issues may remain undetected.

    Minimizing False Positives and Negatives

    • SAST:
      • Optimize the tool to minimize false positives.
      • Validate findings through manual review.
    • DAST:
      • Fine-tune scan settings to minimize false negatives.
      • Combine with other testing methods for comprehensive coverage.

    Remember, using SAST and DAST together provides a holistic view of security, addressing both code-level flaws and runtime vulnerabilities. 🛡️🔍

    Also Read: What Is User Acceptance Testing (UAT): A Complete Guide

    Why Use SAST and DAST Together?

    Let’s explore why combining Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a winning strategy for robust software security. 🛡️🚀

    Comprehensive Coverage

    When you use SAST and DAST together, you get a holistic view of your application’s security posture:

    • SAST focuses on the codebase itself, catching vulnerabilities early in the development process.
    • DAST assesses the application in its runtime environment, simulating real-world attacks.

    By combining both, you cover both static and dynamic aspects, leaving no stone unturned.

    Early Detection and Runtime Validation

    1. Early Detection with SAST:

    • Imagine a developer writing code for an e-commerce platform. SAST scans the codebase during development and flags an SQL injection vulnerability.
    • The developer fixes it before deploying the application.
    • Result: No data breaches, no late-night emergency patches.

    2. Runtime Validation with DAST:

    • Now the same e-commerce platform is live. DAST probes it by sending malicious requests.
    • It discovers a misconfigured API endpoint that exposes sensitive customer data.
    • Result: Immediate action to secure the API and prevent a breach.

    Practical Implementation

    • Success Stories:
      • Bank: They integrated SAST into their CI/CD pipeline. Developers receive instant feedback, and vulnerabilities are fixed early.
      • Chat App: DAST helped uncover session management flaws during a penetration test. The team addressed them swiftly.
    • Your Call to Action:
      • Adopt Both: Encourage your team to embrace this dual approach.
      • Stay Vigilant: Regularly run SAST and DAST scans.
      • Secure Your Code: Make security part of your development culture.

    SAST and DAST aren’t rivals; they’re partners in safeguarding your digital assets. 🤝

    Also Read: What Is API Security Testing and How Does It Work?

    Strengthening Your Software Security

    In the dynamic landscape of software development, security is non-negotiable. By combining Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), you create a robust defense against vulnerabilities. Here’s a recap:

    1. SAST:
      • Early detection during development.
      • Code-centric analysis.
      • Integrates seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines.

              2. DAST:

    • Real-world validation in production.
    • Application-centric testing.
    • Uncovers runtime vulnerabilities.

    Your Call to Action:

             1. Adopt Both:

    • Integrate SAST and DAST into your software development lifecycle.
    • Use them together for comprehensive coverage.
    1. Stay Vigilant
    • Regularly run security scans.
    • Address findings promptly.

          3.Secure Your Code:

    • Make security a cultural norm within your team.

    Security isn’t an afterthought—it’s woven into every line of code you write. If you need expert guidance, feel free to reach out. 🚀🔒Thank you for joining us on this journey to unmatched security! 😊CTA: Integrate SAST and DAST into your workflow today! Explore our security testing solutions.
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    Written by Nishil Patel

    CEO & Founder

    Nishil is a successful serial entrepreneur. He has more than a decade of experience in the software industry. He advocates for a culture of excellence in every software product.


    What's the difference between SAST and DAST?

    SAST (Static Application Security Testing) analyzes the code itself for vulnerabilities, while DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) interacts with the running application to simulate attacks and identify weaknesses. SAST is ideal for early detection during development, while DAST validates security in a more realistic, runtime environment.

    Which one should I use, SAST or DAST?

    The best approach is to use both SAST and DAST together. SAST provides early vulnerability detection and integrates well with development workflows. DAST complements this by testing the application's behavior under real-world conditions. This combined approach offers comprehensive security coverage.

    What are some limitations of SAST and DAST?

    SAST can generate false positives (flagging harmless code) and might miss runtime-specific vulnerabilities. DAST, on the other hand, may have limited coverage for internal application components and can produce false negatives (missing certain vulnerabilities).

    How can I minimize false positives and negatives in SAST and DAST?

    For SAST, tuning the tool and manually reviewing flagged issues can help reduce false positives. DAST can benefit from fine-tuning scan settings and combining it with other testing methods for more thorough coverage.

    How can I implement SAST and DAST in my software development process?

    Integrate SAST tools into your CI/CD pipeline to provide developers with immediate feedback on vulnerabilities. Use DAST for regular security scans in production or pre-production environments to validate security in real-world scenarios. By making security a core part of your development culture, you can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle.


    Integrate SAST and DAST into your workflow today! Explore our security testing solutions.

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